past events During its first year, FreEMotion Repertory Company and its 55 members performed in many venues, held workshops, and taught weekly dance lessons in the Greater Boston area. Here are some of our early company events and offerings, including Cafe Latino, our premier concert, and Sophia's Tuesday Latin Night, that offered Sophia's first dance lessons, and provided the venue were most of our members first met. In March of 2003, we embarked on a large scale undertaking, when we founded the Brookline Community Center for the Arts (BCCA, Inc.), a full-service class, event, and performance, multi-leveled center! For updates and information on the BCCA, please visit
Please check this page from time to time, or contact us for updates.
Sophia's Tuesday Latin Fire

Wednesday Classical Salsa & Smooth Lessons

Sophia's Thursday Latin Nights

Corporate Software

Sophia's Lessons

Cafe Latino:

Cafe Latino Reviews

Cafe Latino Program and Brochure